In this fast moving, high tech, competitive, stimulating society children may at times feel confused, isolated or overwhelmed with pressures placed on them by their parents, teachers, and peers (or themselves). It is important for them to feel a sense of belonging and trust. The staff at Eastwood aim to make their school environment a safe, happy and respectful place to be.
My role as the chaplain, working alongside staff, students and parents includes:
The strong relationship between the Ringwood Church of Christ and Eastwood Primary communities continues to grow and evolve.
Caring For Our Community
Aims of the Chaplaincy Project
This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations under the NationalStudent Well Being Program and CCCVat – Christian Community Churches Victoria and Tasmania.
The objectives of the Program are to assist school communities to provide pastoral care, social and emotional comfort to all students, irrespective of their faith or beliefs. This can include support and guidance about ethics, values and relationships; the provision of student welfare; and enhancing engagement with the broader community.
The whole school approach to Primary Prevention, Early Intervention and Restoration includes:
Primary Prevention include
Programs which are for small groups of children and include:
Intervention and Restoration
Support services designed for individuals include:
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