1:1 Tablet Program



At Eastwood we have been routinely using iPads in the learning program for many years, and having completed  both training and school visits as part of the Department of Education’s iPads in Schools priority.

Eastwood tablet program - key points

  • Wifi only devices-  to ensure that students only have access to filtered internet
  • No mini tablets - the nature of use of tablet devices at Eastwood is more suited to full size devices
  • Brands other than Apple are welcome however, be aware that not all apps will be available on Android and Windows devices (please contact the school if it is your intention to use an Android or Windows device)
  • A list of required apps for each level will be available at the start of the year. 
  • iTunes accounts (apps) are to be managed by parents - the school will ensure that devices can connect to the school network. If you need assistance with setting up your tablet, please contact the school

BYOD (Bring your own device) Policy


'How to' documents - will download pdf file

How to set up an Apple ID without a credit card


Eastwood ICT and tablet user agreements

Eastwood's commitment to ensuring a safe learning environment for students is reflected in our 'ICT and 1:1 program user agreement.' This agreement outlines the expected behaviours for all students when using technology at school.


This document should be read carefully by carers and students alike and discussed to ensure that all students are aware of the school's expectations.


The document will also be discussed in detail in classrooms to ensure all students understand what is expected of them.






@ Copyright Eastwood Primary School and Deaf Facility